Questions from perspective of a customer:

  1. What is exact cost of 4 tries on claw machine? In marketing plan, it has been
    mentioned that it costs $2 for 4 tries but in FAQ, it says that it costs $4 for 4
    tries. – Exact cost of 4 tries would be $ 2. This error has been corrected.
  2. In FAQ, question is about maximum number of tries a customer is allowed
    to play but the answer shows the cost of tries but it does not mention
    maximum number of tries allowed on claw machine. What is maximum
    number of tries allowed? – Number of tries depends upon how much do you spend.
  3. What are the steps to order any specific toy online from your company?- Company is active on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram You can shoot a message to the company and book your toy and pick up.
  4. In FAQs, it says that you want to operate your business every day from
    11am to 6pm but Skeena Mall, Terrace closes at 5pm on Sundays so how
    will you be able to operate your business till 6pm on Sundays?-Claw machines will be located in Skeena mall and expected to locate in supermarkets and near children parks.
  5. In product and services information video, you said that you are running a
    claw machine 10 hours a day. Why does this number not match with the
    operating hours of your business?- It was supposed to be like “aiming to run claw machines 10 hours a day”. This error has been corrected.
  6. Is it affordable for every customer?- Yes, It is.
  7. How can we get reward after collecting tickets?- Claw machines do not give any tickets.

Questions from perspective of an investor:

  1. In section of target market, it says ‘Families like these search for…,’ which
    families you have mentioned about?- It denotes to Families having young children.
  2. In section of target market, it says ‘educate their children’, how do your products or service help to educate children?- For example, If kids are nervous about reading aloud to other people, have them read to their stuffed toy instead to build confidence. Moreover, you can Teach good behavior with stuffed animal time outs.
  3. Target market section on your website says ‘pacify their time.’ What do you mean by this phrase?- That means they have good time at my store.
  4. In FAQ, it says your business is different from others because you are providing entertainment and prizes at same place but there are a number of similar companies where entertainment and prizes can be found at same place. So, what makes your company distinguishable from your competitors?- There is only one company in same business but I have already said that I am seeking support instead of competition.
  5. In operating plan, it has been mentioned that you are going to sell batting fiber stuffed toys but pure batting materials are more expensive than other materials, so, how would you be able to sell batting stuffed toys at reasonable prices(as mentioned in executive summary)?- The product matches high quality & safety standard made up of high grade polyester or cotton fibers. Polyester is the least expensive, followed by cotton and wool.
  6. Batting fiber shrinks about 2-3% after getting washed. Will it affect your sales of batting stuffed toys?-Modern batting is designed to resist shrinking or to shrink very minimally.
  7. The provision for the present game is set on a single mall what are the plans for expanding it to the other places where the youngsters are visiting?-Claw machines will be located in Skeena mall and expected to locate in supermarkets and near children parks.